Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tyranny On Tuesday

After the birth of Josiah on Saturday 03/21/09, I attempt to get back into the swing of things. This is the story of Tuesday 03/24/09. Little did I know just how fast the "swing" was moving.

TUESDAY MORNING: Josiah is not a team player in the house quite yet. What I mean is, he is not working with us, we are working for him. In the Bible Josiah was eight years old when he became King of Judah. In the Deason house Josiah was eight hours old when he became King. He chooses to negotiate the majority of his policies in the early morning hours of the night. Tuesday morning I got very little sleep and woke up at 5:30am. I got ready for my 6:30am meeting here at the house with a student. The meeting was great, but I was so tired and delusional that I forgot to drink any of the coffee that I woke up early to brew. The awesome stories from the students Spring Break trip to Ecuador was enough to keep me on the edge of my seat.

TUESDAY LUNCH: I couldn't wait to meet up with my friend Jason for lunch. We met at Lee's Sandwich Shop at 11:30. I got a call before lunch from another student asking if he can join us and we make a party of three. I had a great lunch with the guys and we all said goodbye as we headed out to the parking lot. The alarm on my car was not dissengaging. UUGHHH! I called the toll free number on the back of my alarm. To my utter chagrin I got nothing more than a computer automated answering machine. I decide to call Best Buy where I bought the alarm and didn't do so well on this front either. You see, the installer was out of the shop and the only assistance that they had available was their floor salesman. I am convinced that this kid is still working on his first full set of whiskers on his upper lip. I decided to take a shot in the dark and assume that the battery in my car was dead. I call Tommy Wilkerson and ask if he can come give me a jump. The plan worked and I make it to my 2pm meeting with Mike Barnette at the BCM.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON: After the meeting, my car is once again...dead. Houston, we have a problem. John Wilkerson gave me a jump this time. I go home and begin to work on some strategeries. I host an Ultimate pick-up game every Tuesday at 6pm and I need to decide whether I should use our van or take my chances by driving my Celica up to Auto Zone and bank on the only proble with my car being a dead battery.

TUESDAY EVENING: I decide to take my chances and drive my Celica up to the Auto Zone and buy a new battery. I'll just change out the battery right there in the parking lot. This shouldn't be a problem. I jump the car myself this time, using our van and go to Auto Zone. I see a group of Latinos working on their pimped out Olds and a group of white guys wearing dirty baseball caps and flannels working on their truck. The truck that they were working on did not even have a hood! Too cool. Both groups look like they not only knew exactly what they were doing, they also looked right at home in the Auto Zone parking lot. I buy a new battery and proceed to start my car, only to find that I have no power at all coming from a brand new battery. I have fifteen minutes to get to the Ultimate game that I am hosting and no chariot to ride in. I call Jana who I know is normally one of the few players that actually shows up on time. What's with Ultimate players anyway? Jana picks me up and gets me to the game. After two punishing hours of Ultimate, that I can't even tell you why I do it, Jana gives me a ride back to Auto Zone. I have no idea how I am going to fix my car. I don't even know what's wrong with it.

TUESDAY NIGHT: When we pull back into the Auto Zone parking lot, I was relieved to find some immediate comradory in the parking lot. The guy with the dirty baseball cap and flannel shirt who was driving a pickup without a hood pulled in right behind us. He was very quick to greet me. He said "Are you still here? Is your car broke down? What's wrong with your car? What is it doing?" I explain to him what was going on and what I have done this far. He is confident that the problem is with the alternater. By then we are in the store and he starts hallaring out loud pointing his finger saying, "Did they check the alternater after you changed out the battery? They didn't check the alternater, did they? You make them check that alternater and give me a call. I'll come up here and change out that alternater right here in the parking lot. I will come toooo you and get this fixed. You buy the part and I'll just charge you labor." What could I say. Everybody in the store was responding like Hank Aaron just hit another home run. Everybody is nodding their heads with excitement as if an angel just lit up the night sky around us. The Auto Zone guys take a minute or two to get over their rear chewing by this guy and get outside, by golly, and check out my alternater. Sure enough, Chris is right. I buy the part, give him a call, and he pulls up in his pick up truck without a hood. Chris and I talk money to begin with. I will owe him $40 after I am convinced that he has properly replaced my alternater. At about 10:15pm we close the deal. I go home to the palace of King Josiah, and keep Jamie up for an hour or two telling her about my day, just before Josiah keeps me up for another hour or two telling me how he is going to govern his kingdom in MY HOME! I finally get to sleep about 2:00am.

WEDNESDAY MORNING: Up at 5:00am so that I can meet the guys for our 6:30 prayer meeting on Wednesdays.

BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN: This may sound crazy, but I really did have a blast getting back into the swing of things.


corbs said...

crazy day man. Glad to hear there are still great people to help out in this neck of the woods.